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Onchain Summer Elephants

The onchain summer vibes are strong and the elephants wanted in on the action. Today we are rolling out a new attribute collection to commemorate this epic season of building.

Mint as many as you'd like for free at Using a smart wallet? Nice, so are we. And thanks to the Base Paymaster, we'll even cover the gas for you.

If you already have an elephant, you can swap out attributes to get in the onchain summer spirit. Or build a brand new one from your freshly minted attributes.

Just like when we launched our previous freebie pack, Patchwork made extending an existing project brain dead simple.

//Add onchain summer attributes contract to elephants scope
patchworkProtocol.addWhitelist("elephants", address(summerAtty));
//Register contract as assignable to the elephant contract
//Turn on free minting
patchworkProtocol.setMintConfiguration(address(summerAtty), IPatchworkProtocol.MintConfig(0 gwei, true));
//Jump in the pool

Did you make an elephant that you are particularly proud or ashamed of? Hop into our Discord and show it off.

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